How much should I feed my koi? 

Kenzen is a highly digestible food and leaves very little waste if the koi are not over fed. A good way to monitor this is to watch for accumulation of fish waste in a settling chamber or vortex filter. If your pond system does not have a settling filter then watch the fish. If they produce long trailing poops then they are getting too much at each meal and the food is being wasted.  

Where is the temperature chart for Kenzen Food?

There is no temperature chart for Kenzen Koi Food. Kenzen can be fed down to 36 degrees Fahrenheit. More importantly, this has been shown to be beneficial for getting koi through the winter. Feeding amounts decrease with temperature, but the protein level stays the same with Kenzen. 

Here is a simple feeding guideline:

• Between 45°F and 50°F – two meals a day
• Between 40°F and 45°F – one meal a day
• Between 36°F and 40°F – one meal every other day, or every three days

How much food?

In the coldest part of winter at say 38°F each koi may only take 4 to 5 pellets in a meal. This will be more than enough to maintain healthy fish through the winter.
